Saturday, October 6, 2007

What You Hear Here, Stays Here

This is the confidentiality of recovery rooms. There is also anonymity and unity.

Sometimes it takes great strength and wisdom not to speak of others in a derogatory manner. Sometimes we see things in others that we don't like about ourselves and we want to point that out to them in hopes to relieve ourselves of our own misery.

This is called taking someone else's inventory instead of our own. The Bible tells us judge not others for you will be judged. Here is a thought for today.

How many times in a day do I have an inappropriate thought toward someone who is dressed in a way that I don't approve? How often do I judge my neighbour for how he treats his wife? How often do I say a bad word when I am frustrated because something isn't working out the way I want it to?

These are all judgements of others and it isn't my right to be critical of others when I am not perfect myself. When I concentrate on what is right I will do right. When I concentrate on what is wrong, I will do wrong. Think about that for today.

Our minds are powerful. Out thoughts lead us into temptation if we focus on it long enough. Change the way you think and you will change your life.

1 comment:

Lana said...

There will only ever be one perfect person to walk this earth. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
All we can do is the very best that we can do, as long as we are tring to do our very best, the Lord knows, forgives us, and will help us to be more like Him each day. He will help us return to live with Him, and our Heavenly Father one day.
Your good is getting better and soon your better will be best.