Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Journey Continues

Tomorrow is yet to come. It is the beginning of the rest of my journey.

I am on my way to the treatment center for three weeks. I am really looking forward to it, however, some recovering addicts find it really difficult to release those feelings that have been locked up for so long.

I will be writing my blog on paper and post them when I get home. Thanks for reading. Your support helps me and also the addicts who still suffer. There are so many out there still and they are lost in a world of darkness and despair.

It is a horrible place to be and I am so grateful I had the support of my family members to lean on and give me the hand up I needed to get out of the darkness.

Everyday I feel a little better than yesterday and I can look forward to tomorrow instead of worrying about it. We can only live in today and for that I am grateful because I know how much of a gift it is to me.

I was at an NA meeting last night and I saw a miracle. A friend of mine walked back into the room of recovery. He had relapsed four weeks ago. He came back. Today he went to a detox center for a week. I really felt God's presence in my life at that moment I saw this friend walk through the door.

It takes a great amount of courage for someone to come back after a relapse. This paticular person had over six months clean time. There are a few others still out there trying to find there way back to the light. I will keep letting mine shine in hopes they will see it glowing.

I must be off now. I still have to pack my things and prepare myself for my journey.

God Bless you all and may you stay forever young.

1 comment:

Cheryl C said...

To know your inner self and to have peace with yourself may be one of the greatest treasures we can give ourselves. We only have the moment - addiction is a choice - you have the power to change your life direction. Given the tools and support you will change direction and your life will be full of beauty.