Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Price Of Happiness

I was watching the movie 'The Secret' yesterday for the second time. I was utterly amazed by the story of Morris E. Goodman "The MiracleMan". It was amazing to me the first time I watched the movie and even more so the second time.

I decided to look him up on the internet and this is what I found. http://www.miracleman.org His story on the movie was the power of positive thinking that got him to walk again after a horrific plane crash that left him completely broken and unrepairable. His faith in God tells his story of success. A genuine Miracle Man.

His story is a real inspiration to me. I can't begin to tell you the emotions that ran through me when I watched his video on the website. It is truelly God working through each and every one of us if we allow it to happen. All we have to do is believe in the power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity. (or health or wellness or whatever you need Him to do for you).

My recovery is going to be a long one. I realized that today when I was with my addiction counsellor. I am only just starting to feel the hurt that is inside me because I always choose to suck it up and not let it out because it scares me. It scares me because it means that I am not perfect. I made mistakes that caused me pain. I also realized that physical pain heals a lot quicker than the emotional pain and I am not sure which I would rather have.

I have been concentrating on all the things that I don't want in my life only to end up getting all the things that I don't want. I always want to take care of everyone else but me. Learning how to take care of me is going to be a challenge but I am finally ready for it. I have been reading a lot of books to help me work through this and today I started to feel the hurt. Today I started to let go of the hurt. I am going to treatment on Friday for three weeks and when I get home I will tell you all about my discovery. I have heard great things about this place and I am finally ready to let it go.

1 comment:

Lana said...

You did not get to where you are overnight, and you will not get better overnight either, but you will get better, and believe, The Best Is Yet To Come.
My thoughts last night after much prayer. Don't rush forgiveness, it will come, but even more important, is letting all the emotions out. Do not surpress the emotions of hurt, and hate, it is alright to hurt and hate, before you forgive.
Your my girl, wow am I proud of you.