Monday, September 24, 2007

Let Go To Save Your Life

They warned me about him. I wouldn't listen to anyone. I had to do things my way.

When we are in recovery we need to focus on ourselves and stay out of relationships. It makes sense. Too bad I didn't listen in the beginning.

He could have seriously hurt me. By the Grace of God he only hurt my finger. It seemed like he was trying to break my arm but he was unsuccessful. I managed to pull my arm from his grasp but not before he twisted and squeezed my hand and as I struggled he pulled my ring finger straight out from its socket. I thought it was broken. It wasn't. It is merely very swollen and sore. The knuckle is bulging and the finger is bent but I am not a victim.

If I allow myself to dwell on this incident I will be a victim. Instead, I am choosing to accept responsibility in my actions and forgive him. I will learn from it and I will heal from it.

This happened four weeks ago. He went to jail for a few days before he was released on bail. I pray for him almost everyday. He is an addict who still suffers. Does he deserve to go to jail because he got drunk and scared? Maybe. Or maybe he is reaching out for help himself.

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