Friday, September 21, 2007

A Journey Back Through Time

Yesterday turns into Today.........

It was just what she needed. A trip. A boat. Visiting old family friends. Time alone with her Dad whom she hadn't seen in almost seventeen years.

They say in recovery you need to open the doors to the past so you can find your way into your heart. She stopped using drugs on June 2, 2007. She left the past behind when she started to build that bridge and realized that she had shut the doors on the past so long ago. She had spent so much of her life focusing on all the things that were unpleasant that she had forgotten so much of her life.

She took a trip with her Dad back to a place in time that had brought her so much joy when she was a kid. She got to visit with old friends that were such a huge part of her life. (People come and go, friendship lasts forever.) People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, and a Lifetime, when you figure out which one it is, you will know exactly what to do.... It is too bad that it took her and her Dad what seemed like a lifetime to figure this one out! They visited places she hadn't been to since she was a child. Just like the Doctor's ordered. Stop thinking with her head and start thinking with her heart.

She found her heart. She remembered happy times from yesterday and brought home some new happy memories for today and tomorrow. The best is yet to come.

Thanks Heather and Kent.


Heather in Beautiful BC said...

You're welcome Deanna.

Your posts bring tears to my eyes - you have so much to offer the world and through blogging your words will help many people. As I read, I know it's going to be a wonderful way for you to express yourself, keep yourself on track and connect with others.

Kent and I enjoyed our time with you and your Dad too. When he comes back 'next weekend' we'll do it again!

Lots of Love, Heather

Lana said...

For a while you were 13 again. What a beautiful young girl you are. What a beautiful women you have become. Keep on walking, the best is yet to come.